Trusted Partner on Every Step of the Journey



Identify & retain your high-risk customers before they default

Early Collections

Early Collections

Boost payments in the early stages
by allowing customers to self-cure

Late collections

Late Collections

Offer flexible payment plans, discounts, & have agents focus on high-value cases

Recovery & Assignment

Recovery & Assignment

Drive recovery based on your strategy
& third party performance

Debt Sale

Debt Sale

Match your portfolio to the right
partner for maximum return


Empowering teams across the globe

Every 100 seconds

a case is resolved using receeve

25+ countries

where businesses use receeve as their trusted partner

Over €2 Billion

in claims processed (and growing fast!)

Full Support

Get up and running in weeks.
Experience results immediately


Build debt collection strategies tailored for specific credit segments.

Zero IT support needed.


Born in the cloud & built with scalability in mind. Access new features without waiting for upgrades or suffering disruptive downtime. Reduce costs and gain control.


Enable the real-time flow of information between systems, applications and devices to improve insights, recovery time and recovery rates.

receeve's Network of Partners

Gradient Hexagons

Trust & Security

Maximise recovery & minimise risk

Never worry about updating the platform or adhering to the latest regulatory compliance. Regulation and compliance standards are baked into the code.

Logo Aws
Logo data encryption
logo Gdpr
Logo ISO
Logo Owasp
Logo Two Factor Authentification
Gradient Hexagons

“As Grover continues to expand globally, we wish to remove any friction in payments for our customers. receeve enables us to consolidate global data, strategy, and communications to the experience for the customer and for the business."

Avatar image of Giacomo Dalle Vedove
Giacomo Dalle Vedove
VP International and Business Analytics
Gradient Hexagons

Unlock up to 60% cost savings.
Make your debt collections tick like clockwork.

Keep more of the profit pie without relying on third parties - all while preserving customer relationships.

See what you are missing.

Request Demo
Gradient Hexagons

Frequently Asked Questions

Where does receeve sit on my system? Do I need to provide space or is it cloud-native?

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Our platform is completely cloud-native. This means that there is no need to have a server physically located at our client’s location which has to be managed individually by the client.

Will I need a lot of IT support from my IT staff to run receeve?

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No support is required from your IT team. receeve is a no-code platform which means that any non-tech user can easily use and create their own personalised experience by dragging and dropping applications. Once implemented it can run without any help from a dedicated IT team.

How much time do you take to implement receeve? How soon can we start using your platform?

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We go through each client’s requirements and provide a time-bound implementation plan. A couple of weeks and you will be ready with the first lean implementation. The implementation phase is quick and fully supported by our experts.

What kind of support can we expect from receeve for implementation?

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From gathering your requirements to go-live, we support you through each phase.

After go-live, you will be taken care of by our experts in the customer success team. If you have an existing implementation or need help with existing workflows, our team will be happy to help.

I already have a platform to help me with my collections, will it take a lot of effort to change to receeve?

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Even better, if you already have something then it will just require an API integration or file integration and you will be using receeve in no time.

What kind of support can I expect from receeve after we start using the platform?

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Our customer support teams are available to help you with any concerns related to the platform. Moreover, we proactively test our systems for any kind of required improvements to make your experience better and to keep delivering the best for your collections' needs.

What happens to my current workflow if I choose receeve?

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You will be able to either keep it as it is with minimum changes or optimise it. receeve’s platform offers a set of templates following industry best practices and maximum personalisation.

What is the capacity of the platform for handling claims?

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receeve is a cloud-based platform and therefore it can scale up easily to meet any  kind of process or operational requirements.