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10 Questions with Addy Muthusamy

10 Questions with Addy Muthusamy

Get to know our Business Analyst Addy. We asked the Sales/Pre-Sales specialist 10 questions. Is there anything Addy can’t do?

  1. What are you doing at receeve?
    As a Business Analyst, my time is divided between sales, marketing and a little bit Recruiting. My primary task is to support lead generation and feed more leads into the later stages of the sales funnel. This involves several tasks including cold calling, offering and doing demos and also content creation to some extent.

  2. Where are you located?
    I have been in and around Hamburg in the last year, right now I live in Barmbek-Nord

  3. How did you end up at receeve?
    I had completed my master’s degree in law and business. I was looking for different positions on the business side to get exposure at start-ups. An analyst position in the marketing department was advertised on LinkedIn and on receeve’s website. I applied and had several interviews with my now-colleagues and Paul. I was convinced this would be a great place to contribute, learn and grow.

  4. Why did you choose to work for receeve and why working in collections?
    Collections was very new to me and I had very little idea about how tech was employed in this business. However, I liked receeve for its small size, founders’ background, location in Hamburg and the versatility of the role. It was not collections as much as B2B2C that excited me. How does a start-up change the behaviour of entrenched corporates? What ultimately makes a buyer choose us over others? How long does it take for an innovative idea to change the workings of a department/industry? are all questions that excite me! receeve felt like a great place to find answers for them.

  5. What is your morning routine before starting your work?
    This is highly seasonal. In Spring, Summer and Fall, I sometimes go jogging or do some exercise outside for an hour. On most days I also try to grab some breakfast and sit at the computer before 8 am to triage tasks and have a task going before the morning stand-up. In Winter, I try to do something at home and eat just fruits, maybe for breakfast. I tend to start at my seat around 8ish.

  6. Do you prefer remote work or going to the office?
    Honestly, I miss the office a lot. It was a perfect balance going to the office 2 times a week and not more. It helped me build a routine and I enjoyed it. Now, I am very annoyed by the strict lockdown. I wish it was not so bad with corona case counts. My ideal work set up is 2 day in the office and 3 at home.

  7. Why working in a start-up?
    There is literally nothing I have not done, that I could do. In other words, except coding and working for the tech team, I have kinda done it all. This exposure is super important to me and it helps me know what I can and cannot do in the long run, and what I enjoy and not. This flexibility is not possible in a bigger company. Also, ideas are implemented and tested quickly. I enjoy that as well - we do and try the validity of any idea, not just think about it endlessly.

  8. How does your perfect “Feierabend” (German term for time in the evening after work) look like?
    Also depends on the season and lockdowns. I like going out and enjoying the fresh air since I live so close to the park. But these few months have largely been cooking, podcasts and reading, if not speaking to friends. Work also can take long sometimes. It is not uncommon for me to sit at my laptop ‘till 8.30 or 10 pm. I try to take a break of 90 mins on such days for dinner.

  9. With whom of the company would you like to switch jobs for one day?
    I wouldn’t really say switch jobs, but I would like to get up close and learn what Peer and Juliane are each doing in their roles that pushes the company forward. Peer, cuz he is driving the hard-to-do behavioural change of our customers. Juliane, cuz it’s all about the numbers.

  10. Who would you like to nominate for the next interview?
    Juliane Harth
Anneke Jacobi
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