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10 Questions with Raoul van Lennep, Strategic Account Director

10 Questions with Raoul van Lennep, Strategic Account Director

We sat down with one of our Strategic Account Director, Raoul to discuss 10 very important and also not so important questions.

  1. What are you doing at receeve?
    I am focusing on driving sales for Spain and Latin America currently.
  2. Where are you located?
    I am based in Barcelona, Spain.}
  3. How did you end up at receeve?
    I applied in the end of last Summer and after several interviews, my adventure at receeve began.
  4. Why did you choose to work for receeve and why working in collections?
    For me it is extremely important to look at 3Ps - People, product and performance. In the selection process, I got along with everyone and no-one had an ego which you see quite frequently in many organizations. The product addresses an area of business that has seen very little disruption and innovation and is seeing more light with BNPL lately as companies seek to improve their cash flow position and lastly, receeve´s performance has been stellar since its inception almost 3 years ago as it already has a presence in over 18 countries in Europe and Latin America.
  5. What is your morning routine before starting your work?
    I get up every day at 7 am and after doing a few yoga positions, I enjoy having some freshly squeezed orange juice and some coffee and then take a cold shower. Afterwards, I help my wife with providing breakfast and preparing the school lunchbox for our daughter.
  6. Do you prefer remote work or going to the office?
    I have been used to working remotely for over 3 years now, but I do miss the human interaction of an office environment, so when I can, I try to meet up with some work colleagues when they are in the vicinity.
  7. Why working in a start-up?
    Working for a startup is extremely challenging but at the same time it is an adrenaline rush to be able to work with your colleagues to help build a business together. We are now more than 50 employees working remotely, with over 25 different nationalities represented with a common objective. It cannot get better than this as every day I am learning something new from those around me who could be half my age and that’s the wonder of startups.
  8. How does your perfect “Feierabend” (German term for time in the evening after work) look like?
    For me it’s very important to unwind in the evening and that is spent with my family at the dinner table catching up with everyone and afterwards either reading a good book or watching something on tv.
  9. With whom of the company would you like to switch jobs for one day?
    Probably, Paul Jozefak, the CEO, to see how he juggles his routine to keep the direction and vision of the company going and liaising with our stakeholders as well as with our fellow colleagues.
  10. Who would you like to nominate for the next interview?
    Alvaro Feo!

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Tim Möhlenkamp
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