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receeve Founders Video With CEO - Paul Jozefak

receeve Founders Video With CEO - Paul Jozefak

A Conversation With Co-Founder & CEO, Paul Jozefak

In this special founders' conversation, we sat down with CEO, Paul Jozefak, to hear his vision of building an All-In-One Collections & Recovery Platform for our clients to help them recover more debts. Paul also explains which industries and organisations can benefit from the receeve solution as well as the types of values our clients gained by integrating with our cloud-native software that is built as a layer-on-top of any existing infrastructure.Watch the video or read the full transcript below to learn more about receeve’s vision and mission of growing the company in a remote-first startup environment. Finally, learn about receeve’s company culture and how we empower our employees to innovate and help grow the company and to build a product that fully supports our clients and their end-customers–in the full spectrum of the debt collection journey.Interview recorded in Hamburg, Germany on September 8, 2021.

Q: What is receeve’s vision for the products and the company as a whole?

  • PJ: We want to be an all-in-one solution for anyone and everyone who is involved in the collections value chain. And by being one platform by being an all-in-one one stop shop for our customers, we can deliver that much more value because we also become the source of data, which also ultimately leads to much stronger data hygiene. And at the end of the day, the data hygiene is what allows you to make the recovery journey that much more effective. Also, because the way that we built our product in the sense that we can layer on top of existing solutions, we looked to see which industries had legacy software running, where we can layer on top, which allows us as a cloud-first business, to basically get up and running as quickly as possible, delivering quasi ROI from day one. And then being able to add more and more functionality as we evolve at our customer.

Q: Which industries benefit from receeve’s Collections & Recovery Platform?

  • PJ: Our typical customers tend to primarily be focused in one specific segment, so we started working with lenders and banks primarily. And we also geographically focused on the EU first, ultimately, we've had a lot of success in Iberia and LatAm, which has also now led to us shifting our focus a little bit to those regions primarily. But we continue addressing the banks and the lenders, because they probably have the greatest need for our solution right now. We can also sell to telcos to retailers to insurance businesses, public utilities, as well, we already have customers and a lot of those segments at this point. But we are trying to remain focused on the industries where we feel that we can bring the most value initially.

Q: What are the main values and benefits that the receeve Platform offers customers?

  • PJ: We built [receeve‘s All-In-One Collections & Recovery Platform] to be able to take advantage of not just automation and digitalisation, but to also quasi get as much value out of the data that is going into the process. And that is generated by the process. By taking a data driven or a data-first approach to collections, you can actually extract so much more value out of the process, be it at the originator or the enterprise, who we're selling to, or even at later stages in the process, and the way our platform is built, and that the fact that it can be an underlying platform for multiple parties in the debt journey allows us to basically extract value from data and share it between multiple parties, which is not the case and hasn't been done in the past. We're also shifting the focus of collections to be more customer centric, we obviously want the customer to be able to either self service, or at least remedy their solution with multiple options be communication via payment modalities, be it even payment or instalment plans that they can set up on our platform. Another aspect of how we built receeve is that the customer can adapt our solution however and whenever they want. One of the things we wanted to avoid is the current situation in collections where a change to the process or a change to the platform can become a five or six week it project. With receeve, it can be the click of a button.

Q: What is receeve’s company culture like and how are you empowering your team?

  • PJ: We decided that we wanted to have a little bit of a different approach to company building. One of the things that we decided pretty much from day one, without even being forced to by the COVID crisis was that we wanted to be remote first. This allowed us to quasi build a team that was made up of the best individuals for what we do, and gave us the ability to recruit internationally. We wanted our employees to feel empowered and engaged. We want them to think as if they were owners, we wanted to have a startup culture, which means that people were allowed to make some mistakes, but they always took ownership of what they did, or they do take ownership of what they do. And we want to also make sure that the team is incentivised to collaborate. And we want to make sure that we're not only communicating with our team members, but we're also interacting with our customers and continually learning from them. We want to make sure that we deliver the best possible solution to our customers at all times. And we want to make sure that receeve is always state of the art in the industry.

For more information about the benefits of switching to the receeve All-In-One Collections & Recovery Platform and to see how your can be up and running in a matter of weeks, request a demo with one of your experts today!

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